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Back to School Lunch Tips

It’s almost that time. Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that I’m not a fool. Billy Madison anyone?? No? OK, back to my story. I make breakfast, lunch and dinner pretty much every day for the girls. This year, I have to figure out how to take the lunches they eat at home and make them portable. So here are my back to school lunch tips! Let’s see how long I go before I’m stopping by starbucks or subway in a pinch.

Bentgo Lunch Box

My first move was to purchase the bentgo kids lunch boxes. Mak is very picky about eating one food completely before moving on the next. Weird little child. I have no idea where she gets her quirkiness from. (I’m lying, it’s me). The  bentgo boxes are perfect for keeping food separate. To take it one step further, we have silicon baking cups to use with our bentgo boxes. Throw it in an insulated lunch sleeve and they’re good to go.

Filling Said Lunch Boxes

My second move is to let go of the 100% paleo mindframe. At home, they eat meat, vegetables, fruit, nut butters, and the Mak gets yogurt whenever she wants. I do allow “kid” foods, think gold fish or fruit snacks, but only in moderation because goldfish are addictive as hell – for me, not them. Unfortunately, their protein doesn’t travel well so it’s cold cuts, boiled eggs, chicken salad, and anything else I can prep ahead of time. I also rely on Lara Bars for snacks.

Below, we used protein packed greek yogurt, strawberries, plantain chips, green peppers and goldfish.

Silicon cups are great for greek yogurt.

Luckily, both girls love fruits and veggies so that’s the easy part and Ava will have access to microwave so she can take leftovers some days. The hardest part is going to be finding a routine after being so laid back this past year. I think I’m up for the challenge. Midday naps with Maddox sound pretty amazing right about now 🙂 If you have any back to school lunch tips, I’d love to hear them!

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